Norton Removal Tool SymNRT uninstalls most Norton AntiVirus, Norton Internet Security, Norton 360, and Norton SystemWorks even when the uninstaller fails to remove them. MiniXP: Added/updated Storage/LAN/WLAN drivers and other minor improvements, iso boot works, path can be changed in HBCD\XP\X using notepad. McAfee Removal Tool McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool removes all 2005 – 2012 versions of McAfee products. MBRCheck 1.2.3: Checks the legitimacy of the Master Boot Record (MBR) code of the hard drives. ImDisk 1.6.0: To create/mount virtual hard disk, floppy or CD/DVD drives using image files or system memory. EncFS 1.7.4: This should be used for secure online file backup services such as Google Drive, Dropbox and Sugarsync as the encryption do not occupy a fixed size containers and backup programs can copy encrypted files and can be accessed from linux, iPhone/iOS and android using BoxCryptor and Cryptonite. DRevitalize 1.2: Repairs bad sectors (physical defects) on hard drives by generating a special sequence of high and low signals around the physically damaged area. ClearLock 1.4.0: To lock your desktop with a transparent layer, allowing you to see what is happening on your desktop and at the same time prevent access to the computer without the proper password.
BrowsingHistoryView 1.05: To view history data of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari Web browsers in one table.BattStat 0.99b: Battery Status monitor and power management freeware for Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 x86/圆4.You can use utilities like ISO to USB or Rufus to create a bootable USB of the utilities.Ĭhanges From Version 15.1 to 15.2 New Added Softwares, Updated Functions: Most of the tools are also available when the operating system is already started.”īelow is information about the latest version. All that is required is that the computer is able to run Microsoft Windows and Linux (but it does not have to have either of these installed at the time of use). “As it is bootable, the operating system of the computer need not be available for the tools to be usable. Here are some resources for learning more: This is a useful tool for computer consultants to have.
Hiren’s BootCD is a collection of utility programs available for download in a single zip file.